Minimalist Dining Room Interior


Start your idea

Yambako is an incubation platform that links investors to entrepreneurs.

The platform was created to encourage dreamers start their ideas or business which have potential of transforming the economy.

Yambako is a Tumbuka/Chichewa word which means Start.


To support entrepreneurs in developing their businesses.

Red Rope Among White Ones with Push Pins

Our incubator provides startups with access to expert advisors, mentors, Brand indentiy administrative support, training, business development and access to potential investors.

incubation PROCESS


Simple Monoline Tropical Hotel logo

Learn and Grow

Growing Tree Icon

Find Funding

bequest gradient icon
Autumn Trees in the Forest

Startups To Invest In

Slice of Lemon Fruit
Society Concept with Small Game Pieces

What is a Startup?

A startup is a venture that is initiated by its founders around an idea or a problem with a potential for significant business opportunity and impact.

Why Startups?

Startups are “optimal” vehicles to validate and bring new innovations to the markets.

Network Play Stones


Start your idea

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+265 991 881 738
